A tradition already, 4th year in a row, the CinEast festival will again support a selected charity project.
Since one of the themes of this year´s festival is "Funny East", we would like to go one further and put some smiles on the faces of children who have to endure lengthy hospital stays or even painful therapies. Please help us support an organisation that regularly sends professionally trained "clown-doctors" to children´s hospitals to cheer up the little patients and make them stronger to fight their conditions. Humour heals! Watch a video and learn more.
You can support the project simply by buying the festival pass (one euro from each pass goes to the charity project) or the usual way - by donation in one of our piggy-banks. They will be publicly smashed on the last day of the festival (28.10) and your donations will be immediately forwarded to the organisation in need.
The artists whose works were represented at the photography exhibition "Back to the Roots" organised by the festival kindly agreed to sell some or all of their exhibited pictures to support our charity action. 100% of the money from the sale of the photos was donated to our charity action.
Outcome of the Charity action (15.12.2012)
Many of you supported our charity project, either by donations or by buying photos, and a big thank you to you for your generosity!
Thanks to you we collected nearly EUR 1 700 from direct contributions, festival passes and the photo sales. In addition, another 300 EUR was donated by polska.lu asbl (the festival organiser).
The total amount, rounded off at EUR 2 000, was forwarded to Crveni Nosevi Klaunovidoktori - the Croatian branch of rednoses.eu.
You can consult the proof of the bank transfer, the acknowledgment letter and the certificate from Crveni Nosevi Klaunovidoktori.
Finally, on behalf of the children in Croatian hospitals we would like to thank all the contributors, artists and volunteers for making this action a success!
"Become a Santa!"
You can also put a smile on the face of one of the children suffering from a serious heart disease in hospitals or hospices in Poland by donating a toy (or a book, a game, etc., anything that is just taking up space in your kid´s room) during the Kids Show on 20 October in salle Dune in Abbaye de Neumünster. Your contributions will be delivered to Poland after the festival and will surprise the sick children under the Christmas tree in December. Maybe your little ones will be happy to exchange their unused toys for some sweets! Look at the poster.
The yearly charity action "Become a Santa" is organised by LuxCordis asbl (www.luxcordis.org) and is supported by the CinEast festival for the third time.
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