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Northern Spring by Dovile Gasiunaite (LT 2008, 27 min) web
Ten years ago Gintaras worked as a piano teacher. Today he is as a lorry driver who plies a route between Lithuania and the far north of Norway. He accepts the spartan conditions with equanimity, without experiencing any sense of deprivation. He has traded life on the road for a warm bed; the din of the motorway is for him a different type of music.
Urban Tundra by Robi Uppin, Maria Kivirand (ET 2011, 15 min) trailer
"Urban Tundra" is an observational documentary about homelessness and faith. A very big snowstorm named Monica hits Tallinn, Estonia in December 2010 and the film crew visits a soup kitchen opened for people in need. The film tries to observe the activities during Christmas holiday and document how people in need are coping with the ongoing storm.
Returns/ Powroty by Krzysztof Kadlubowski (PL 2010, 7 min) web
From the mist there emerges the runway of Warsaw airport. The guard of honour of the Polish Army is waiting to solemnly welcome those who have just arrived in Poland. But there is no one to welcome this time. On their shoulders the soldiers carry invisible coffins in front of invisible spectators and carefully place them on special racks - all to the rhythm of Chopin's Funeral March'.
Pit-Hole / Jáma by Jiří Stejskal (CZ/ET 2011, 23 min) web
Pit-Hole depicts the life of a Ukrainian family that refuses a contemporary lifestyle. Nataliya, the head of the family, is trying to preserve the family house, now surrounded by a modern housing estate. The film focuses on the family and the difficult living conditions caused by a Kiev construction project.
In Breath / ieElpot by Linda Olte (LV 2009, 13 min)
We live, and we don't know that at this very instant a new soul comes into the world. A film about the most magic moment of life.
In Step With The Time / В крак с времето by Anton Partalev (BG 2012, 14 min)
The monument of the Soviet Army in the centre of Sofia divides the society since it has been built. For some it is a monument celebrating a liberating army, for others one of an invader. One morning the city woke up to a monument covered in American super heroes. And in an instant the old illusion was erased and a new one was revealed. Embodiment of the Bulgarian politics, that claims to be "in step with the time".
Welcome Peter Bossman / Peter Bossman dobrodoel by Simon Intihar (SI 2011, 15 min) trailer
This film tells the story of the first black leader in all of Eastern Europe, Slovenian Mayor Peter Bossman, two months after his election.
I'll Not Be Your Friend / Nem Leszek a Barátod by György Pálfi (HU 2009, 13 min)
The multiple award-winning Hungarian director followed kindergarten kids around for about six months to create this heartwarming and wonderful piece of cinéma vérité.
The Star / Hviezda by Andrej Kolenčík (SK 2012, 20 min) web
The documentary film "The Star" tells a story of Ján Slovák, a 55-year-old welder, who fell in love with acting. His desire began, when he got the lead role in a theatrical adaptation of the worst movie of all time, Plan 9 From Outer Space by Ed Wood Jr. The passion for theatre became his destiny.
The Strongwoman / Silaczka by Olo Pawluczuk (PL 2012, 7 min) trailer
The main character of the film is Dorota Jadczak, Poland's triple national bodybuilding champion and world team champion in the 90s, later coach of the Polish female bodybuilding team. To this day, Jadczak actively practises sport. The documentary touches upon the ideal and stereotypes of femininity.
Behind the Wire / Aiz oga by Liene Laviņa (LV 2010, 26 min) trailer
The story of young lives in the young offenders unit in Cēsis, Latvia. A place governed by its own codes and order, where unwritten rules are more powerful than the written word. In the making of the film, the production team witnessed a gamut of attitudes and emotions. Much can be understood from the youths' gestures, facial expressions and from their actions. Secretive and uncommunicative, they are victims, yet perpetrators of crime. But, also still children.